2021 Thesis, Dissertation, Early Career and Lawrence Busch Student Research Award Recipients

Thesis Awards

Elizabeth Pickard

Syracuse University

Gentrification of Agriculture in the Northeastern United States: Exploring the Role of Class among First Generation Farmers


Hazel Velasco Palacios

The Pennsylvania State University

Farmer Field Schools, Food Security, and Gender: Opportunities and Challenges in Experiential Learning with Lenca Smallholders in Rural Honduras


Dissertation Awards

Jenny Melo Velasco


University of Missouri

Digital Agricultural Technologies in Latin America

Carolyn F. Reyes

The Pennsylvania State University

Mining our Hopes and Dreams: Large-scale Mines and Rural Youth Outcomes in Peru


Forrest W. Stagner

The Pennsylvania State University

Toward a Critical Theory of Socio-ecological Resilience: Livestock Management for Climate Change Adaptation in Zambia


Feinuo Sun

University at Albany, SUNY

Examining Rural-Urban Differences in Opioid Crisis with a Spatiotemporal Perspective


Early Career Awards

Renata Moreno-Quintero

Universidad Autónoma de Occidente, Cali, Colombia

Opportunities and Challenges for Citizen Participation in the Energy Transition in Colombia: Policy Inputs from a Rural Community in Jamundí, Colombia


Kathleen Sexsmith

The Pennsylvania State University

Assessing Pennsylvania Seasonal Farm Labor Camps: A Comparison of H-2A and non H-2A Farms


Ryan Thomson

Auburn University

Cultural Heritage and Climate Change Impacts on Gullah/Geechee Heir Property


Lawrence Busch Student Research Award

Margiana Petersen-Rockney

University of California Berkeley

“Water is the Blood of the Land” Climate Change, Conservation, and Conflict among Northern California Farmers